By booking we want a deposit of 30% from the price of rental. Cancellation 7 days before arrival is free. After that time you pay 80% from the total price of stay. Thats for earlier departure, too. Check-in between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.
General information:
Untersbergstr. 29
83435 Bad Reichenhall
Ortsteil Marzoll
Tel.: +49 (0) 8651/8034
Fax: +49 (0) 8651/710954
Steuer Nr.: 105/266/80265
UstID: de152903200
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The hyperlinks referring to other internet presentations contained on our pages were checked at the time they were installed. We can however not take responsibility or liability for the contents or layouts of these pages. We explicitly declare that these pages do not represent the opinion of us and we cannot accept liability for any damage which might occur when using the hyperlinks. The provider respectively designer of the page is solely responsible for contents, copyrights and protection of children and young persons. The district court in Hamburg decided on 12 May 1998 that installing a hyperlink could possibly mean that you are liable for the content of the site the link refers to. According to the district court this liability can only be avoided when you expressly state that you want nothing to do with the information provided on these pages. On our website we have installed hyperlinks to other websites. We expressly exclude liability for the content or design of these websites and distance ourselves from the information provided on the websites referred to on our homepage. Moreover we would like to point out that we cannot control who installs hyperlinks to our homepage from their websites and that such a hyperlink does not mean an actual connection to this website.